HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) has announced there will be a staggered start to the introduction of Real Time Information (RTI) penalties. Automatic in-year Pay As You Earn (PAYE) penalties for late filing and late payment and in-year interest – … Continue reading
NMW set to rise by 19p an hour
The Low Pay Commission has recommended that the national minimum wage (NMW) should increase to £6.50 an hour from 1 October this year. The increase from the current rate of £6.31 represents a three per cent rise. The commission is … Continue reading
Flexible working guidance launched
Workplace specialists Acas has published new guidance to help employers prepare for a change in the law on flexible working.
PM urges small firms to make most of support
Prime Minister David Cameron has urged the UK’s 4.9 million small businesses to take advantage of measures that could save them up to £10,000 each a year.
RTI updates issued
HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) has issued updated guidance for employers on the Real Time Information (RTI) reporting of PAYE information.