Last year saw an important change to the way tax-deductible business expenses, which are paid to employees, are dealt with.
Category Archives: Latest News
A furnished holiday letting won’t just give your customers much needed relief
Landlords should be aware of the different rules which apply to furnished holiday lets and private rented properties, as the tax implications can be enormous.
New civil penalty notices are now in effect for residential landlords
A range of provisions which allow civil penalties to be levied against residential landlords who commit offences under the Housing Act 2004 came into effect last month.
Finance Bill shrinks in the parliamentary wash-up as PM announces snap election
The announcement of a snap general election to take place on 8 June 2017 had an immediate impact on some of the most eye-catching announcements from the Spring Budget, with the parliamentary wash-up seeing key clauses dropped from the Finance … Continue reading
Small businesses see changes to the VAT Flat Rate Scheme
Small business users of the VAT Flat Rate Scheme who have low costs may see the rate they pay drastically increase under new changes, which came into effect at the beginning of this month.