A new additional nil-rate band of £100,000 for inheritance tax on main residences, when bequeathed to a direct descendent, is set to come into effect from April 2017.
Author Archives: Howard Roth
Tax avoidance clampdown aims to raise extra £2bn by 2022
During the last few Budgets and Autumn Statements the government has made moves to prevent tax avoidance and evasion – and the latest fiscal event was no different.
Making Tax Digital: Update on government plans due in January
Despite being perhaps the most significant change to the UK tax system in decades, Making Tax Digital (MTD) did not receive a single mention from the Chancellor in the Autumn Statement.
Small businesses to see changes to the VAT Flat Rate Scheme
Small business users of the VAT Flat Rate Scheme who have low costs may see the rate they pay drastically increase under new changes.
Goodbye to the Autumn Statement
The most significant announcement at last month’s Autumn Statement was possibly the announcement that this would be the last Autumn Statement.