Small-scale internet traders, including individuals and businesses who sell goods on websites such as eBay and Amazon, are being hit with ‘tougher penalties’ than larger businesses if they do not declare their income and pay the appropriate tax on their … Continue reading
Author Archives: Howard Roth
Online VAT fraud and error costing UK dear
A report published by the National Audit Office (NAO) estimates that online VAT fraud and error cost the UK somewhere between £1bn and £1.5bn in lost tax revenue during the 2015/16 financial year.
P11D dispensations have been dispensed with
Last year saw an important change to the way tax-deductible business expenses, which are paid to employees, are dealt with.
A furnished holiday letting won’t just give your customers much needed relief
Landlords should be aware of the different rules which apply to furnished holiday lets and private rented properties, as the tax implications can be enormous.
New civil penalty notices are now in effect for residential landlords
A range of provisions which allow civil penalties to be levied against residential landlords who commit offences under the Housing Act 2004 came into effect last month.